If you can see it, you can do it.

MedStaircase empowers students to pursue medical careers.

patient shaking hands of a doctor through a monitor
Jennie Link and Kate Ropp standing in front of a painting
 Kate Ropp (right) and OSU graduate Jennie Link.

Visualizing yourself as a doctor, 外科医生或医学专家可能会感觉像一个伸展-特别是如果你没有人指导你的方式. 因此,MedStaircase正在扮演这一角色,为传统上代表性不足的学生提供机会,让他们看到自己在医疗保健领域的工作.

Established in May 2021, MedStaircase is a collaborative effort between physicians, led by Kate Ropp M.D.他是波特兰的一名麻醉师,2003年在澳门威尼斯人娱乐场获得生物学学位. 这家非营利组织将医学专业人士与对医学感兴趣的学生联系起来, 提供支持和途径,帮助他们追求自己的职业目标.

By physicians, for students

To find those students and see how they could help, 罗普和她的同事们通过澳门威尼斯人娱乐场和俄勒冈大学医学院预科学生少数族裔协会等项目进行了接触. 他们发现,许多学生没有家人或朋友来诊所或医院实习. 罗普认识到,缺乏现实世界的接触会造成障碍.

“When I was a kid, I knew there were astronauts, but it felt too far-fetched to become one,” Ropp says. “For a lot of first-generation students, 在他们的生活中,没有人可以指导他们,向他们展示加入医学领域的步骤.”


任何感兴趣的学生都可以加入Zoom小组,由来自不同专业的医生组成. MedStaircase has conducted eight panels so far, 演讲者包括急诊室和内科医生, 儿科医生和外科医生——每个人都让我们对这些领域的职业生涯有一个真实的了解和看法. 此外,学生们还可以在每个小组讨论后的分组讨论室与医生进行一对一的交谈.

As the COVID-19 vaccine became widely available, MedStaircase扩大了项目,包括在波特兰的几个临床站点提供为期一周的亲自实习机会. In the operating room, students observed procedures like cesarean sections, open-heart surgery, facial reconstruction, burn victim surgery and others. 学生们还花时间在门诊学习儿科学, internal medicine, dermatology and more.

罗普表示,该项目的首要目标之一是消除任何阻碍学生获得这些机会的障碍. To that end, MedStaircase gave scholarships of around $1,000至17名学生,以抵消旅行和住宿等费用.

A life-changing impact

为参加MedStaircase的学生和应届毕业生准备的, the experience has revealed new career pathways.

Ariah Tesema, a junior in the College of Science, 她说,MedStaircase让她看到了以前不知道的医疗行业.

“我能够了解到,我不需要成为一名外科医生才能在手术室里有所作为,]” she says.

特西玛补充说,这种认识让她明白了外科医生周围的团队是多么有价值, expanding her list of potential careers.


After she graduates, 特西玛计划继续探索她的许多兴趣,包括通过像无国界医生这样的项目成为一名旅行外科医生.

Ricardo Mendoza Escobedo, a 2021 Oregon State graduate, 发现即使是一个简单的手术也能极大地提高病人的生活质量. 他说,观察了几个不同的医疗程序,让他看到了医疗生涯中真正的多样性. MedStaircase提供了他原本不知道的资源, along with mentors he can reach out to with questions.

门多萨目前在俄勒冈健康中心担任临床研究助理 & Science University in Portland. 他希望最终能帮助满足他长大的俄勒冈州东部农村社区的医疗需求.

For 2021 OSU graduate Jennie Link, “医疗阶梯”项目最有价值的一个方面是它为医疗保健行业描绘了一幅全面的未来图景. She says hearing the pros and cons of medical school, 以及医生对不同医学专业的看法, taught her a lot about the options that fit her interests.

“找到我觉得自己非常适合的角色极大地提升了我的信心,并帮助我朝着追求医疗保健事业的梦想前进,” she says.

林克目前在普罗维登斯波特兰医疗中心担任手术室助理, and she continues to explore potential career options.

An ever-expanding opportunity

因为MedStaircase在第一年就收到了非常好的反馈, 罗普表示,她希望到2022年夏天将参与者人数增加到50人. In addition, she plans to expand the program beyond Oregon to Washington, 接触其他大学和社区学院的学生. 她说,MedStaircase最终将包括其他健康相关领域的指导和工作见影机会, including physical therapy, occupational therapy and pharmacy.

Most of all, 罗普说,她希望MedStaircase能够帮助医学的各个方面带来更多的多样性, which benefits both practitioners and patients.

”Health care needs you,” she says. “来自历史上被边缘化群体的患者对医学殿堂的警惕是有道理的. 但是当病人和他们的医生有共同的文化认同时, their health outcomes are better. 你可以通过从事医疗保健事业来直接影响你所在社区的健康.”

And now, there is a clearer pathway for that pursuit.

有关参与MedStaircase或成为导师的更多信息,请访问 medstaircase.org.